Thursday, September 05, 2013

Where the Ladybugs Sleep

Summer has gone by in a blink of an eye for Terran and I.  Between summer school, a trip back to Colorado, family visiting, T. spending 3 weeks in Dallas for school, major overtime hours for T. and all the hiking we could in between, fall is upon us. I can tell that the season of change is happening around us as the flowers lose their color, the little hummers outside fight over who gets to eat, and the evenings shorten. Have you ever wondered where all the bugs, birds and other summer creatures go during the winter? Last January Terran and I had a chance to explore a place ladybugs go sleep for the winter.

The Beginning of Steven's Creek Trail


The more the merrier.

They covered the bark of the tree and the ground

A Lone Ranger

The river that is still popular for gold panning.

The view from the trail

On our way back

The only down side to a place ladybugs find warm enough to winter is that ticks agree. On the way home, while Terran was driving, I pulled roughly 40 ticks off the dogs. The ride home made the day all the more memorable.



lil said...

Wow, wow, wow!! That is just amazing!!! I have had those thoughts, too, wondering where the bugs hibernate, or whatever they do. When we have wood on the back patio, there are the black and orange caterpillars taking their sleep at the bottom of the pile. I hate to expose them, but sometimes I have to! What a wonderful creation!
Enjoy your Fall!! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing. It is a piece of Father's creation I wouldn't have seen otherwise. I love you, Mom