Monday, May 15, 2006

Five Years

As of Friday, May 12th I was Mrs. Terran Goodwin for five years. I cannot believe that much time has passed by. We had a lovely annivsary weekend even though I had a terrible snotty, nosed cold. I spent more of the weekend with a tissue to my nose than I did holding Terrans' hand. Friday after a quiet dinner spent with me wiping my nose; I went to bed. I felt bad about that, but Terran being the wonderful husband tucked me in telling me to feel better. Saturday I did feel a bit better, so we went to Aspen as planned. We spent the day wondering around looking at shops, going for a short nature walk, and ended the day with a delicious Italian dinner. It was such a wonderful day spent together. I loved every minute of it.

Still Loving Him,



heidi said...

awww, congratulations you guys! i also can't believe it's been 5 years already! time flies when you're having fun, eh?

The Reitsma Family said...

congratulations on your 5th anniversary. its fun that our anniversary dates are so close!...Naomi, actually it was me that wrote "faith" :) have a great week.

mdl said...

I can't believe you got married 5 years ago! So much has happened since then! :) Remember when we used to just talk about boys when it wasn't even U Turn, or was it U Turn then? Anyway... love you bunches... congratulations!

Naomi said...

Misty, It wasn't U-Turn then, at least I don't think so. I'm losing my memory in my dotage. :)

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